Hybrid systems are a mixture
Hollywood Lasni Sistem® and wigs

For men's and women's wigs

Hybrid systems for men and women from the highest quality European hair!

Strojno narejeni na zalogo in zato cenovno ugodnejši, kot Hollywood Lasni sistem®, čeprav so iz evropskih las enake najvišje kvalitete in so na voljo v vseh barvah. Lahko se jih tudi barva, dela pramene, kodra, lika,…Visoka kvaliteta las vas bo naravnost osupnila!

Hybrid systems of men's and women's wigs allow you to do exactly what you want with your hair - YES! - You can treat it as if your hair were yours and you can live a full life again!

Hibridni sistemi

Why aren’t they like regular low-cost wigs?

Because they use only the highest quality flawless European hair - as for Hollywood Lasni Sistem®, they also have a similar mesh on the front as the Hollywood Lasni Sistem®…

Hybrid systems are especially suitable for people who are facing chemotherapy or other diseases, as the body is already burdened with chemicals and you do not need them on your head in the form of cheaper chemically treated or even radioactive hair or synthetic fibers! Another reason to buy hybrids is that they are usually available within a week, as long as the product is in stock in your desired color.